Lab Portal Company

by Joe Bloniarz Sept 2th, 2024

HIPAA compliant Laboratory Portal Customized to work for you!

Our Portal solution offered!

  • Integrate into your LIMS through HL7, Direct database connection, FTPS, Restful Webservices. The portal can also push data to other external systems, like billing.
  • Push orders into the LIMS
  • Retrieve results from the LIMS
  • Allow providers to order pre-defined test
  • Allow providers to download reports
  • Allow providers to generate paper requisitions with their ordering physician information on it
  • Ability to archive and reload reports while working on patient / provider notes that are generated from the LIMS based upon patient results and additional patient information
  • Allow (csr ) to generate orders
  • Allow Providers to order test kits & send email alert of new kit orders to predefined email-address
  • Allow providers to generate an order, sends email notification to predefined email address, CSR ( laboratory staff ) than can approve it. The order generates an order ticket that can be removed, patient information and profiles ordered can be altered prior to saving information into system. The portal will automatically look for a similar patient information and present possible pre-existing patients to the csr, to reduce the chance of adding duplicate patient information into the system.
  • Archive any reports that have been seen by patients or providers to conform to CLIA requirements
  • Logging of all access of the system for HIPAA compliance
  • Installed in your servers or HIPAA complaint hosting

Our portal solution was built using all report templating engine, server vector graphics (SVG) generator for custom charts and graphics, and enterprise grade CRM Drupal 7.

One of the challenges with having an online portal is it must be hosted with HIPAA compliant hosting company or you need to host it internally and adhere to the HIPAA compliant / best practices. The costs of HIPAA compliance is very expensive making it difficult for small and startup laboratories to justify the costs associated with doing an online portal.

The costs break down like this:

HIPAA compliant hosting for a modest environment requires two servers, one for development and testing and one for production.
  • Servers $800 - $1500 monthly costs in hosting ( this would be bare bones 2 servers only )
  • Integration / Customization $100.00hr - $125.00hr can cost anywhere from $5000 - $30,000
  • Either an initial purchase price or billed as SasS ( Software as a Service )

You could be looking at around $3000 - $5000 monthly!

Here are some HIPAA hosting companies for you to check out pricing:
As I said HIPAA compliance isn't cheap if you outsource it or create it!

Lab Portal Company white paper on how we helped one of our customers.

History of Lab Portal Company

The Lab Portal Company was started as CLIA was changing regulations allowing patients direct access to their laboratory tests. What better way of solving that then by creating a HIPAA compliant portal that could interact directly with patients.

Providers want to control when a patient can see their test results:

Its been my experience in working with laboratories for over 7yrs that providers who order tests dont want patients to view the test results without the provider first reviewing the test results and preferably in person with the patient. So the consumers of the test results are providers who are not going to be thrilled or excited to log into yet another tool to do their job. You could argue a portal serves only as a method for a provider to order and retrieve results not to interact with them. With the treasure trove of test result data that laboratories have it's suprising they don't use that information to help inform patients.

The price points time and time again were the issue for many laboratories I've talked with over the years, with the exception of a few that did become clients, which purchased the software or leased it as Software as a Service ( SaaS ). I thank all the people I've meet and had the opportunity to work with over the years!

If you need any assistance in data migration, website migration, custom reporting, or data related projects please contact us at